Donate to the Recall

We need your help!

Making sure we get enough votes to recall Komrosky will require a significant amount of money for signs, banners, advertising, social media ads, print ads, television commercials, texting campaigns, direct mail campaigns, postcard campaigns, and much more.

We're asking our community to help us fund this effort, because money well spent now on this issue will save us hundreds of thousands, if not millions, long term in our school district and community.

Every dollar donated on this page will be spent exclusively on Recalling Komrosky.

To donate to good governance beyond the recall, please donate at One Temecula Valley PAC.

Thank you,

One Temecula Valley PAC / Recall Komrosky

To donate by check, please use:
One Temecula Valley PAC
46249 Jon William Way
Temecula, CA 92592